We completed 20 solar PV Off Grid installations in Seva Ashrams of Koraput, Odisha. The 20 seva ashrams were in Nandapur, Pottangi and Lakshmipur.
List of Sevasharams where solar plants have been installed and commissioned are as following :
Block 1: Pottangi- Kotiya, Thuria, Laudi, Chandaka, Deopottangi, Gugaguda, Sambai, Pottangi High School
Block 2: Nandapur- Balda, Nandaka, Rukuba, Marda, Khuda, Bijapur
Block 3: Lakshmipur – Kundar, Panchada, Charada, Bhitargada, Champi, Kellar
- All schools locations
- Inverter and battery system
- An amazing view from Kotiya Seva Ashram
- Head of one of the schools
More details here.