MNRE & SECI have issued necessary guidelines for implementation of Grid Connected Rooftop & Small Solar Power Plants Monitoring. The following are the key points of the guidelines:

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Details from the Document

1.    Data Acquisition System shall be provided for each of the solar PV plant above 10 kWp capacity.

2.    Data Logging Provision for plant control and monitoring, time and date stamped system data logs for analysis with the high quality, suitable PC.Metering and Instrumentation for display of systems parameters and status indication to be provided.

3.    Solar Irradiance: An integrating Pyranometer / Solar cell based irradiation sensor (along with calibration certificate) provided, with the sensor mounted in the plane of the array. Readout integrated with data logging system.

4.    Temperature: Temperature probes for recording the Solar panel temperature and/or ambient temperature to be provided complete with readouts integrated with the data logging system

5.    The following parameters are accessible via the operating interface display in real time separately for solar power plant:

    • AC Voltage.
    • AC Output current.
    • Output Power
    • Power factor.
    • DC Input Voltage.
    • DC Input Current.
    • Time Active.
    • Time disabled.
    • Time Idle.
    • Power produced

6.    Protective function limits (Viz-AC Over voltage, AC Under voltage, Over frequency, Under frequency ground fault, PV starting voltage, PV stopping voltage.

7.    All major parameters available on the digital bus and logging facility for energy auditing through the internal microprocessor and read on the digital front panel at any time) and logging facility (the current values, previous values for up to a month and the average values) should be made available for energy auditing through the internal microprocessor and should be read on the digital front panel.

8.    Computerized DC String/Array monitoring and AC output monitoring shall be provided as part of the inverter and/or string/array combiner box or separately.

10.  String and array DC Voltage, Current and Power, Inverter AC output voltage and current (All 3 phases and lines), AC power (Active, Reactive and Apparent), Power Factor and AC energy (All 3 phases and cumulative) and frequency shall be monitored.

11.  Computerized AC energy monitoring shall be in addition to the digital AC energy meter.

12.  The data shall be recorded in a common work sheet chronologically date wise. The data file shall be MS Excel compatible. The data shall be represented in both tabular and graphical form.

13.  All instantaneous data shall be shown on the computer screen.

14.  Remote Server and Software for centralized Internet monitoring system shall be also provided for download and analysis of cumulative data of all the plants and the data of the solar radiation and temperature monitoring system.

16.  Ambient / Solar PV module back surface temperature shall be also monitored on continuous basis.

17.  Simultaneous monitoring of DC and AC electrical voltage, current, power, energy and other data of the plant for correlation with solar and environment data shall be provided.

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